You're new to the Cedar Point community, and if you've got little ones, schools are going to be on your mind. Don't worry! We've provided a comprehensive list of school options, just keep reading to find the perfect match for your little one!

Below you can find all the information on local elementary, middle and high schools within (radius miles) of Magnolia Reserve.
Surf City Elementary
"The Mission of White Oak Elementary School is to develop a strong mind, body, and character through challenging learning opportunities and community involvement inspiring globally responsible citizens. " - Mission Statement
Find more information on White Oak Elementary
Broad Creek Middle
“Our dedicated teachers, motivated students, and involved parents create a climate of school community. We welcome parent involvement and work to build relationships with our stakeholders. Our goal is to educate all children, a task we take very seriously. We also support the whole child and believe in our mission of teaching respect, motivating students, and teaching them to act responsibly..” - Mission Statement
Find more information on Broad Creek Middle
Croatan High School
"Our purpose is to ensure that our students learn the skills necessary to become life-long learners who are productive members of society. We emphasize the social, emotional, physical, and intellectual development of each child and strive to instill high standards for academic integrity and leadership in our students. Through our programs, students are given the technology, skills, and knowledge to be effective members of our school community and a global society. " - Mission Statement
Find out more on Croatan High